Boost Virility & Fertility


Boost Virility & Fertility

Hormones can directly impact your fertility journey. Gonadorelin is a cornerstone in reproductive health, boosting natural hormonal balance, sperm count, and ovulation. Formulated for both women and men.

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Support sperm production

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Induce ovulation

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Optimize reproduction hormones

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For women+men

With $99/mo Heva Wellness Plan
Heva Healthy
Heva Healthy
Heva Healthy
Heva Healthy
Heva Healthy
Heva Healthy

(Heva Hormone Harmony)

Powerful support on your fertility path

This potent Gonadorelin treatment is a doctor-formulated aid for reproductive health, delivering natural but effective hormonal support.

Fill out your intake form in minutes.
Check your testosterone levels with our at-home test kit.
Heva providers review your health factors, and if approved, send your prescription to the pharmacy.
Medication is delivered to your door via 2-day shipping.




Support and Preserve Sperm Production

Gonadorelin is a powerful aid for men who wish to preserve their fertility by supporting sperm production. 




Induce Ovulation

Gonadorelin effectively induces ovulation in women who experience irregular ovulation and menstrual cycles.




Menstrual Cycle Regulation

Releasing reproductive hormones helps in normalizing menstrual cycles in women with irregular periods. 




Prevent Testicular Atrophy

Gonadorelin is crucial for men on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), because it stimulates natural testosterone production to maintain testicular size and function. 




Hormone Harmonization for Women and Men

Gonadorelin works to assist in restoring the natural balance of reproductive hormones, improving reproductive health overall.

Questions? We’ve got you.

What does this treatment do in the body?

Gonadorelin boosts reproductive health, offering a bridge between natural hormonal balance and fertility. This strong therapeutic agent harnesses the body’s intrinsic mechanisms to stimulate the production and release of beneficial hormones.

What are the active ingredients?

Just potent, powerful Gonadorelin.

What are some potential side effects?

Potential side effects include headaches, nausea, and abdominal pain. Gonadorelin comes in multiple forms, and if in injection form, sometimes injection site reactions are reported (pain, swelling, or redness).

Is this safe? What medical regulations are these treatments under?

Yes! Our compound pharmacy partners adhere to the strictest quality standards, policies, and procedures. They are held to the following best practices:

  • All state and federal regulations (FDA guidance).
  • Vetting pharmaceutical ingredients through a rigorous qualification process.
  • Constantly testing raw materials, active ingredients, and finished compounded products via third-party analytical assessment, ensuring sterility and potency.
  • Continuous training for all pharmacists and staff to demonstrate proficiency and cultivate mastery in their roles.
  • An internal quality assurance program that regularly monitors and audits processes and procedures.
  • Integral and unwavering commitment to sanitizing equipment and facilities, preventing cross-contamination, and maintaining aseptic conditions.

Is local pharmacy pick-up available?

Not at this time, we'll keep you posted if that changes!

How long will it take for my treatment to arrive?

Once the pharmacy processes your medication, we ship via 2-day shipping. It can take 2-3 business days for the pharmacy to process your treatment, so our goal is to have it on your doorstep in 7 days!

Is insurance required?

Not at all! A part of Heva's mission is to make treatment as accessible as possible without sacrificing rigorous medical quality. This involves direct pricing without obstacles and complexity. You can get started today at the price you see (no lab bills, insurance company claims, or just-because costs).

Break down costs and cancellation policy for me?

Your $99/month Heva Wellness Plan includes:

  • Unlimited doctor visits (No waitlists. No running around for appointments.)
  • 24/7 support via text
  • Any necessary labs
  • 2-day shipping on treatments
  • Special pricing on medications

As a Heva Wellness Plan member, your Gonadorelin treatment is only $49 a month.

You won’t be charged the $49 unless you’re prescribed treatment.

There’s no minimum commitment. If you want to take a break, or you’ve gotten the healthy happy results you wanted, you can cancel anytime!

Treatment Journeys Designed With Life in Mind.

Your fertility journey is unique, and so is the support your body needs. Heva treatments are designed with real-people awareness for beautiful outcomes.

Your Heva provider will review your health history and make sure Gonadorelin is right for you.
