Arousal for all.


Arousal for all.

Feel the ecstasy and watch your connection flourish with Bloom. Arousal, excitement, and bonding formulated for women + men.

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Targets arousal and excitement in the brain

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Desire and connection hormones

<svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M26.0485 10.9375C24.4843 9.56357 22.088 9.73807 20.6159 11.2102L20 11.8261L19.3841 11.2102C17.912 9.73807 15.5157 9.56356 13.9515 10.9375C12.2375 12.443 12.1742 15.056 13.7616 16.6434L20 23L26.2384 16.6434C27.8258 15.056 27.7625 12.443 26.0485 10.9375Z" fill="#6F7F5C"/> <path d="M16 27H22.0977C23.9932 27 25.8494 26.4595 27.4486 25.4418L34.381 21.0302C35.2807 20.4577 36.473 20.7094 37.0645 21.5967C37.6023 22.4035 37.4695 23.4823 36.752 24.1345L28.764 31.3964C27.6289 32.4282 26.15 33 24.616 33H12L8.5 36.5" stroke="#FDFDF1" stroke-width="1.8" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M3 29C3 29 8 22.0975 19 22.0975H22.7348C23.9858 22.0975 25 23.0975 25 24.3312C25 25.3711 24.2769 26.2766 23.2487 26.5074C22.1113 26.7627 20 27.0279 16 27.0279" stroke="#FDFDF1" stroke-width="1.8" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M21.77 21.2L20 23L18.25 21.21C18.5 21.2 18.75 21.2 19 21.2H21.77Z" fill="#FDFDF1"/> <path d="M21.77 21.2L20 23L18.25 21.21C18.5 21.2 18.75 21.2 19 21.2H21.77Z" fill="#FDFDF1"/> <path d="M6 17C6 9.26801 12.268 3 20 3C27.732 3 34 9.26801 34 17" stroke="#FDFDF1" stroke-width="1.8" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M6 17C6 9.26801 12.268 3 20 3C27.732 3 34 9.26801 34 17" stroke="#FDFDF1" stroke-width="1.8" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> </svg>

Sensitivity and pleasure stimulation

<svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.4621 28.4996C15.2233 28.4996 17.4617 26.2612 17.4617 23.5C17.4617 20.7388 15.2233 18.5004 12.4621 18.5004C9.70092 18.5004 7.46252 20.7388 7.46252 23.5C7.46252 26.2612 9.70092 28.4996 12.4621 28.4996Z" fill="#6F7F5C"/> <path d="M13.5276 5H28.4756" stroke="#FDFDF1" stroke-width="1.8" stroke-linejoin="bevel"/> <path d="M24.7544 5.18234V18.1058C24.7544 18.5583 24.9248 18.9941 25.2317 19.3266L35.8273 30.8062C37.3003 32.4021 36.1684 34.9873 33.9966 34.9873H20.9856H21.0015H7.99052C5.81874 34.9873 4.6868 32.4021 6.15981 30.8062L16.7555 19.3266C17.0624 18.9941 17.2328 18.5583 17.2328 18.1058V5.18234" stroke="#FDFDF1" stroke-width="1.8" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M16.65 20.77L10.07 27.9C9.53002 27.6 9.05999 27.21 8.67004 26.76L15.41 19.46C15.9 19.82 16.32 20.26 16.65 20.77Z" fill="#FDFDF1"/> <path d="M16.65 20.77L10.07 27.9C9.53002 27.6 9.05999 27.21 8.67004 26.76L15.41 19.46C15.9 19.82 16.32 20.26 16.65 20.77Z" fill="#FDFDF1"/> <path d="M4.18936 18.5152C5.86295 18.5152 7.21966 17.1584 7.21966 15.4849C7.21966 13.8113 5.86295 12.4546 4.18936 12.4546C2.51577 12.4546 1.15906 13.8113 1.15906 15.4849C1.15906 17.1584 2.51577 18.5152 4.18936 18.5152Z" fill="#6F7F5C"/> <path d="M9.25005 12.8485C10.5889 12.8485 11.6743 11.7631 11.6743 10.4242C11.6743 9.08537 10.5889 8 9.25005 8C7.91118 8 6.82581 9.08537 6.82581 10.4242C6.82581 11.7631 7.91118 12.8485 9.25005 12.8485Z" fill="#6F7F5C"/> <path d="M9.93872 21.2342L4.18933 15.4849" stroke="#6F7F5C" stroke-width="1.8" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M4.18933 15.4849L9.64388 10.0303" stroke="#6F7F5C" stroke-width="1.8" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M21 15H25" stroke="#FDFDF1" stroke-width="1.8" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M21 10H25" stroke="#FDFDF1" stroke-width="1.8" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> </svg>

Sexual satisfaction enhancer

With $99/mo Heva Wellness Plan
Heva Healthy
Heva Healthy
Heva Healthy
Heva Healthy
Heva Healthy
Heva Healthy


Let yourself flourish in every area of life.

Holistic health and happiness shouldn't end in the bedroom. Cultivate passion, pleasure, and fulfillment with our libido treatments for a thriving and colorful sex life.




Blood Flow to Pleasurable Places

Enriches pleasurable sensation and experience.




Bremelanotide: Get It

Awakens sexual function regions in the brain, causing swift and lively arousal.




Oxytocin: Love Potion No. 9

Sometimes called the “Love Hormone,” oxytocin promotes feelings of closeness, bonding, connection, and safety, increasing arousal, desire, and sexual receptivity.




Let Fun Flourish

Physical, mental, and emotional bliss. Brighter bedroom days (and nights) are ahead.

Let your curiosity run wild. And get your question answered.

How much does this treatment cost?

Your $99/month Heva Wellness Plan includes:

  • Unlimited doctor visits
  • 24/7 support via text
  • Any necessary labs
  • 2-day shipping on treatments
  • Affordable, accessible pricing on treatments

As a Heva member, your Bloom treatment is only $9.99 for a 10-count (about a month-long supply, since you can only take Bloom every 72 hours).

There’s no minimum commitment. You can cancel anytime!

What does this treatment do in the body?

The thrilling answer: It creates a blooming, flourishing, healthier, happier sex life.

The science-ey (but also thrilling) answer: This treatment targets arousal regions in the brain, stimulates blood flow for sexual sensitivity, and releases bonding and arousal hormones.

What are the active ingredients?

Bremelanotide and Oxytocin make up this proprietary libido blend for a one-of-a-kind burst of desire and pleasure.

Is this for women? Or men? Or everyone?

Both. And. All.

Bloom is a libido treatment for any and all people (taking your health history and factors into account, of course).

What are some potential side effects?

Reported side effects include headache and nausea (due to Bremelanotide) and light-headedness (due to Oxytocin). Many report that side effects fade after initial treatment. Your provider is here to talk through any questions or concerns as you start your journey with Bloom!

Any drug interactions I should know about?

CYP3A4 Inhibitors: Increase in Bremelanotide levels.

Alcohol: May increase the risk of dizziness.

Is this safe? What medical regulations are these treatments under?

Yes! Our compound pharmacy partners adhere to the strictest quality standards, policies, and procedures. They are held to the following best practices:

  • All state and federal regulations (FDA guidance).
  • Vetting pharmaceutical ingredients through a rigorous qualification process.
  • Constantly testing raw materials, active ingredients, and finished compounded products via third-party analytical assessment, ensuring sterility and potency.
  • Continuous training for all pharmacists and staff to demonstrate proficiency and cultivate mastery in their roles.
  • An internal quality assurance program that regularly monitors and audits processes and procedures.
  • Integral and unwavering commitment to sanitizing equipment and facilities, preventing cross-contamination, and maintaining aseptic conditions.

Is local pharmacy pick-up available?

Not at this time, we'll keep you posted if that changes!

How long will it take for my treatment to arrive?

Once the pharmacy processes your medication, we ship via 2-day shipping. It can take 2-3 business days for the pharmacy to process your treatment, so our goal is to have it on your doorstep in 7 days!

Is insurance required?

Not at all! A part of Heva's mission is to make treatment as accessible as possible without sacrificing rigorous medical quality. This involves direct pricing without obstacles and complexity. You can get started today at the price you see (no lab bills, insurance company claims, or just-because costs).

Pleasure Should Flourish.

The best in the bedroom is yet to come.

Bloom in the bedroom. Choose a healthier, happier intimate life.
